Saturday, February 25, 2012

Detox Downer

I look like I'm 14. No, not like the neon-wearing, friendship bracelet bedecked, permed haired 14yr old me but the acne chinned 14yr old me. I have not had a breakout like this in years. It's depressing...which causes more acne. Wah!

I used to suffer from near constant breakouts on my chin, and weirdly, between my eyebrows. I think it would've been less tragic had it covered my whole face but I was doomed to spotty spots.

After dealing with this until my early twenties, I finally found a dermatologist. He was named Dr. Pappenfuss--too close to 'PoppingPus' for my immature mind.  I giggled during every appointment.  We tried every topical/pill combo with little success, until... the almighty ACUTANE! Now thought to cause suicide and depression in teenagers, it is no longer available.  If you ask me, just being a zit-covered teen is enough to make one want to jump, but I digress.

This super harsh miracle pill cured my acne for more than 10 years.  No bumps to be seen on this pretty little chin...until now. Oh, hell!

Juicing is a fast track to detoxing/removing impurities. The skin is the fastest way for those nasties to escape. My skin is proof. I could cry.  Zits galore. Not to mention the red marks they will leave behind on my pasty white skin.  Hello concealer. And foundation. And powder. And kidding myself that all that makeup looks better than the actual pimples themselves.  Oh, hi, 14yr old self! I'd forgotten all about you! Now go away!

Friday, February 24, 2012

Keep keepin' on...

This week has been a challenge.  Last week I was in the zone.  I could've kept juicing without the break I took but, I didn't.  I don't regret it but this week has been like starting over as far as resolve and cravings go.  I'm committed to seeing it through, however,  so I just keep truckin'.

Today I had to work off site in Jeweler's Row and couldn't really bring my juice with me.  I was starting to get tummy grumbles and panicked a bit.  I went over to the fancy new flagship Walgreens to see if they might have some Kombucha to tide me over.  Damn if they didn't have a fresh juice bar right there in the middle if the joint!  Hallelujah!  This place is pretty amazing.  If you need it, this Walgreen's has it.  Love to know there is an option in the Loop.  Day saved!

So, right now, 16 days seems awful far away.  I've made it this far so I'm just taking it day by day. The fact that I've made it this far is pretty amazing for this slacker.  The bottom line us I'm learning a lot about my body and that is enough for me.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Lesson Learned

Today I noticed for the first time how different foods make me feel.  I actually was able to sense how my body was reacting to what I put into it. I don't think I've had this kind of specific clarity before.

Fresh green salad and a tofu/veggie/bean "scramble" made me feel fine.  Dairy and (shh!) a few bites of cake gave me a massive headache. Made me feel sluggish and gross.

The two lessons here are:

1. I ate too much variety too soon after breaking the fast. Should've stuck with produce only during this two day break.

2. Going off for two days wasn't worth it.  I may or may not break the fast again in this 30 days. I'm going to play it by ear (or body, as it seems) and see how I feel.

On a side note, I've found some really great, supportive blogs recently. This is one I've really enjoyed: Healthy Crush. Read for recipes, tips, juicing ideas, and more.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Day 7!

Wow! Day 7!  I was really not sure if I would make it this far.  Juice, and juice only.  For 7 days.  Not one bite of anything, no cheats no, "just a little bit".  All the way; I'm proud of myself. 

I feel really great.  I have energy and I feel incredibly focused.  That is something I have not felt for a long time.  I don't miss anything.  Well, not enough to eat/drink it and ruin all of the work I've put in.

All of the above being said, I've decided to break the fast for two days and then go back to juicing for 7 days and so on for the remainder of the 30 days.  I have not been able to socialize really since I've began the juicing.  Sure, I could arrange activities with friends that do not revolve around food or drink but, frankly, I don't want to.  Thirty days is a long time without some dishing (ha, see what I did there?) with pals.  And now that I know that I can do this for more than just a few days, I'm confident that I can break without diving face first into a pizza. Tomorrow is a brunch/baby shower that was on the books before I started this.  I want to be able to enjoy it with my friends.  So, I'm going to. 

The tricky part is re-introducing food back into a body that has not been digesting anything for 7 days.  All advice says to slowly add food back in and that's what I've been doing today.  This morning I had my green juice, followed by a green smoothie.  The smoothie is different because it has the whole veg/fruit blended into it, therefore digestible.  Then tonight, I had a veggie salad.  So far, I feel okay.  No crazy stomach protests...YET.  I'm a little scared!

Brunch is at a very veggie/vegan friendly spot, Tweet.  I plan to see how the salad goes over this evening and if I feel up to it I will eat some veggie-centric thing tomorrow.  If the salad is not agreeing with me I will stick to a fruit bowl or something similar. Then juice for the rest of the day.  Wish me (er, my stomach) luck!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Mojito Juice

One big reason I decided to juice for awhile is that I have been drinking way too much booze in the past few months..okay years.  It used to be that I would have a couple of drinks or glasses of wine when I was out with friends or dinner with family.  Lately, it has been a glass of wine at work, one or two when I got home and then maybe one or two drinks (or more!) after that when meeting friends.  It has freaked me out that I could ingest that much alcohol and not be passed out on the floor.  Years ago this would have been the case.  Now my tolerance for alcohol has gotten so high that I have been drinking more just to get that oh-so-lovely buzz that I would've gotten from just one glass in the past.  Don't judge!  Everybody likes to pretend that they drink for the pleasure of the taste and not the high.  Most people I know do it for both.  I had to put a stop to that before I ruined my liver and did something stupid.  Okay, I may have already done a few things that were really, really stupid. 

I can honestly say that right now, I don't miss it.  Although, it is only four days into this little experiment.  For someone who drank something pretty much everyday, this is saying something.  I am enjoying the bit of clarity.  The downside is that by not stuffing my feelings into a deep pit with food and alcohol I am really starting to FEEL things.  I am having to face some things about myself and my life that I don't really like.  However, I am starting to also feel better about some other things.  I would have never considered myself an emotional eater or a binge drinker but I see now that I have been kidding myself.  "Table for two for Dr. Freud please!"

Today I made a green juice that I found online called, "Mojito Juice".  I thought this would be a good one to salute my booze sabbatical.  This might be my favorite one so far.

4 Green Apples
2 Limes
2 Cucumbers
1 Large Bunch Basil
1 Large Bunch Mint
1 Large Piece Ginger

This makes about 36oz. of juice.  I have been making 36oz. batches to pour into Ball jars.  I have been drinking two 36oz. Ball jars of juice a day.  This has been pretty good to keep me satisfied and not hungry each day. 

So many revelations in the past couple of days.  I hope they continue.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Day 3

It is day 3 and I can't get Britney Spear's song Toxic out of my head.  From everything I've read, juicing rapidly removes toxins from your system and I am feeling it a little bit.  The muscles in my thighs and booty are aching.  My skin has been itchy and just overall weird.  Your skin is your largest organ so it makes sense that I would be feeling the toxin release there. 

I read up on skin brushing as a part of a juicing program and decided to incorporate it into my daily routine. I can't say if it is really helping remove toxins or not but my skin does feel more smooth (obviously) and that is helping with the itch. 

Overall, I am feeling more rested and alert.  I am not hungry at all and I only have limited cravings, thank goodness.  Last night I keep thinking about pesto pasta--at least that has basil in it, right? 

Monday, February 13, 2012

Day One

The funny thing about starting something is that the beginning is full of excitement and newness.  The mind is buzzing and the adrenaline is pumping.  I can do this!  And then, the struggle sets in, temptation rules and the wagon breaks down.  I'm hoping that I can ride this one out and not fall prey to the norm.  So, to get myself going I spent the morning getting prepared and pumped.

I assembled my new Breville Juice Fountain Plus.  A beautiful machine that I hope will lead the way.  Guess this means I have to clean the kitchen...

I went to Peeled, a juice bar, to get some goodness before I made my way to the grocery store.  There I ordered the Adam's Apple, a lovely mix green apple, pineapple and ginger.  This was so delicious!  The ginger gave it a really nice, spicy kick. 

Then I was on to Stanley's for some fresh fruits and veg.  I had not been to Stanley's before.  Imagine that, someone who really does not eat plants, never going to Stanley's!  When I walked in I was floored.  So much gorgeous produce.  Everything was beautiful and I could not wait to fill up my cart.
I could not believe how much I got away with at Stanley's.  I don't usually buy a lot of produce so I'm not easily able to compare prices but I came away with about 6 bags for around $28.00.  Lemme tell you, I will spend that on two cocktails.  Daily.  So to have gotten that much, which will probably "feed" me for about two days?  I am more than thrilled.  You see, I don't cook.  Like, ever.  I have been spending a lot of money on eating out and drinking like it is my job. That has not been good for my bank account.  One more way this juicing is going to help me out.  This is my loot.
So now, I just have to drink it!  Bottoms up.

Saturday, February 11, 2012


It's time for something drastic! I've been living the gastronomical high life and my body has decided to revolt. Twenty pounds gained in about eight weeks (!!), thirty total since last year. SOMETHING HAS GOT TO GIVE!

In an attempt to find some sort of guidance and inspiration, I turned to the almighty interwebs. Enter Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead, a Spurlock-shock-doc type film. The film's focus is on Joe Cross, an Australian filmmaker/businessman who has hit the health wall.  He suffers from a skin disease, high blood pressure, obesity, etc.  Joe (with clearance from Dr. Joel Fuhrman) decides to consume strictly fruit and vegetable juice for 60 days.  As you can probably figure out, Joe's skin disease goes away, blood pressure goes down, and he drops something like eighty pounds.  Intriguing, no?  Joe explains the powers of the juice as "freebasing nutrients".  Way to relate juicing to a high to get us addicted fatties interested, Joe!

I watched the film but I wasn't in...yet.  I downloaded Dr. Fuhrman's book, Eat to Live, so I could see where Mr. Cross got his information and to see if this whack-a-doo idea had any real medical backing.  Dr. Fuhrman FREAKED. ME. OUT.  His book details all of the disease and malaise that comes with the modern American diet.  Cancer, ulcers, depression--the whole bit--all because I just can't keep my hands of an effing cheeseburger. Fuhrman had me convinced.  But can this booze swilling, fried food loving, no discipline having sloth handle a juice fast followed by a mostly vegan diet?  Probably not, but I'm going to give it a go.

Thirty days. Of juice. No booze (oh, alcohol, you temptress), no bread, no dairy, no meat or CHEESE (for the love of GOD!), no...well, food.  What am I getting myself into.  Hopefully health.