Monday, February 20, 2012

Lesson Learned

Today I noticed for the first time how different foods make me feel.  I actually was able to sense how my body was reacting to what I put into it. I don't think I've had this kind of specific clarity before.

Fresh green salad and a tofu/veggie/bean "scramble" made me feel fine.  Dairy and (shh!) a few bites of cake gave me a massive headache. Made me feel sluggish and gross.

The two lessons here are:

1. I ate too much variety too soon after breaking the fast. Should've stuck with produce only during this two day break.

2. Going off for two days wasn't worth it.  I may or may not break the fast again in this 30 days. I'm going to play it by ear (or body, as it seems) and see how I feel.

On a side note, I've found some really great, supportive blogs recently. This is one I've really enjoyed: Healthy Crush. Read for recipes, tips, juicing ideas, and more.

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