Sunday, February 19, 2012

Day 7!

Wow! Day 7!  I was really not sure if I would make it this far.  Juice, and juice only.  For 7 days.  Not one bite of anything, no cheats no, "just a little bit".  All the way; I'm proud of myself. 

I feel really great.  I have energy and I feel incredibly focused.  That is something I have not felt for a long time.  I don't miss anything.  Well, not enough to eat/drink it and ruin all of the work I've put in.

All of the above being said, I've decided to break the fast for two days and then go back to juicing for 7 days and so on for the remainder of the 30 days.  I have not been able to socialize really since I've began the juicing.  Sure, I could arrange activities with friends that do not revolve around food or drink but, frankly, I don't want to.  Thirty days is a long time without some dishing (ha, see what I did there?) with pals.  And now that I know that I can do this for more than just a few days, I'm confident that I can break without diving face first into a pizza. Tomorrow is a brunch/baby shower that was on the books before I started this.  I want to be able to enjoy it with my friends.  So, I'm going to. 

The tricky part is re-introducing food back into a body that has not been digesting anything for 7 days.  All advice says to slowly add food back in and that's what I've been doing today.  This morning I had my green juice, followed by a green smoothie.  The smoothie is different because it has the whole veg/fruit blended into it, therefore digestible.  Then tonight, I had a veggie salad.  So far, I feel okay.  No crazy stomach protests...YET.  I'm a little scared!

Brunch is at a very veggie/vegan friendly spot, Tweet.  I plan to see how the salad goes over this evening and if I feel up to it I will eat some veggie-centric thing tomorrow.  If the salad is not agreeing with me I will stick to a fruit bowl or something similar. Then juice for the rest of the day.  Wish me (er, my stomach) luck!


  1. so proud of you! and no cheats?! awesome and inspiring :)

    1. Thanks! No cheats! I'm proud, too! This 2 day break will still be healthy. Then back to the juice!
