Saturday, February 11, 2012


It's time for something drastic! I've been living the gastronomical high life and my body has decided to revolt. Twenty pounds gained in about eight weeks (!!), thirty total since last year. SOMETHING HAS GOT TO GIVE!

In an attempt to find some sort of guidance and inspiration, I turned to the almighty interwebs. Enter Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead, a Spurlock-shock-doc type film. The film's focus is on Joe Cross, an Australian filmmaker/businessman who has hit the health wall.  He suffers from a skin disease, high blood pressure, obesity, etc.  Joe (with clearance from Dr. Joel Fuhrman) decides to consume strictly fruit and vegetable juice for 60 days.  As you can probably figure out, Joe's skin disease goes away, blood pressure goes down, and he drops something like eighty pounds.  Intriguing, no?  Joe explains the powers of the juice as "freebasing nutrients".  Way to relate juicing to a high to get us addicted fatties interested, Joe!

I watched the film but I wasn't in...yet.  I downloaded Dr. Fuhrman's book, Eat to Live, so I could see where Mr. Cross got his information and to see if this whack-a-doo idea had any real medical backing.  Dr. Fuhrman FREAKED. ME. OUT.  His book details all of the disease and malaise that comes with the modern American diet.  Cancer, ulcers, depression--the whole bit--all because I just can't keep my hands of an effing cheeseburger. Fuhrman had me convinced.  But can this booze swilling, fried food loving, no discipline having sloth handle a juice fast followed by a mostly vegan diet?  Probably not, but I'm going to give it a go.

Thirty days. Of juice. No booze (oh, alcohol, you temptress), no bread, no dairy, no meat or CHEESE (for the love of GOD!), no...well, food.  What am I getting myself into.  Hopefully health.


  1. Where will you get your protein and fats from? Are "good fats" ok? If so, I recommend avocado smoothies. Sounds gross but are amazing.

    1. Pen, there are lots of proteins in vegetables and I can add flax seeds to the juice if needed. Joe Cross, from the film, says that your body already has the fat stores you need if you are overweight so the need for extra fats while juicing is not so high...
      Smoothies are not part of the initial juice fast but will be added after and avocado sounds really good!

  2. cant wait to hear about your journey sarah! i am embarrassed to say that i have gained 30 lbs since my wedding. ack! i know i was super skinny at my wedding so i feel like i am really about 20 lbs away from a comfortable weight for myself. i am trying to eat better (does last night count?). any way, can't wait to hear about your journey and tag along with the food tips! you are a beautiful person no matter what that booty looks like!

    1. Thanks! I am no angel and it is going to be really hard but I am just gonna give it a go.
