Thursday, February 16, 2012

Mojito Juice

One big reason I decided to juice for awhile is that I have been drinking way too much booze in the past few months..okay years.  It used to be that I would have a couple of drinks or glasses of wine when I was out with friends or dinner with family.  Lately, it has been a glass of wine at work, one or two when I got home and then maybe one or two drinks (or more!) after that when meeting friends.  It has freaked me out that I could ingest that much alcohol and not be passed out on the floor.  Years ago this would have been the case.  Now my tolerance for alcohol has gotten so high that I have been drinking more just to get that oh-so-lovely buzz that I would've gotten from just one glass in the past.  Don't judge!  Everybody likes to pretend that they drink for the pleasure of the taste and not the high.  Most people I know do it for both.  I had to put a stop to that before I ruined my liver and did something stupid.  Okay, I may have already done a few things that were really, really stupid. 

I can honestly say that right now, I don't miss it.  Although, it is only four days into this little experiment.  For someone who drank something pretty much everyday, this is saying something.  I am enjoying the bit of clarity.  The downside is that by not stuffing my feelings into a deep pit with food and alcohol I am really starting to FEEL things.  I am having to face some things about myself and my life that I don't really like.  However, I am starting to also feel better about some other things.  I would have never considered myself an emotional eater or a binge drinker but I see now that I have been kidding myself.  "Table for two for Dr. Freud please!"

Today I made a green juice that I found online called, "Mojito Juice".  I thought this would be a good one to salute my booze sabbatical.  This might be my favorite one so far.

4 Green Apples
2 Limes
2 Cucumbers
1 Large Bunch Basil
1 Large Bunch Mint
1 Large Piece Ginger

This makes about 36oz. of juice.  I have been making 36oz. batches to pour into Ball jars.  I have been drinking two 36oz. Ball jars of juice a day.  This has been pretty good to keep me satisfied and not hungry each day. 

So many revelations in the past couple of days.  I hope they continue.

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