Saturday, February 25, 2012

Detox Downer

I look like I'm 14. No, not like the neon-wearing, friendship bracelet bedecked, permed haired 14yr old me but the acne chinned 14yr old me. I have not had a breakout like this in years. It's depressing...which causes more acne. Wah!

I used to suffer from near constant breakouts on my chin, and weirdly, between my eyebrows. I think it would've been less tragic had it covered my whole face but I was doomed to spotty spots.

After dealing with this until my early twenties, I finally found a dermatologist. He was named Dr. Pappenfuss--too close to 'PoppingPus' for my immature mind.  I giggled during every appointment.  We tried every topical/pill combo with little success, until... the almighty ACUTANE! Now thought to cause suicide and depression in teenagers, it is no longer available.  If you ask me, just being a zit-covered teen is enough to make one want to jump, but I digress.

This super harsh miracle pill cured my acne for more than 10 years.  No bumps to be seen on this pretty little chin...until now. Oh, hell!

Juicing is a fast track to detoxing/removing impurities. The skin is the fastest way for those nasties to escape. My skin is proof. I could cry.  Zits galore. Not to mention the red marks they will leave behind on my pasty white skin.  Hello concealer. And foundation. And powder. And kidding myself that all that makeup looks better than the actual pimples themselves.  Oh, hi, 14yr old self! I'd forgotten all about you! Now go away!

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